Installing HoloViews ==================== The quickest and easiest way to get the latest version of all the recommended packages for working with HoloViews on Linux, Windows, or Mac systems is via the `conda `_ command provided by the `Anaconda `_ or `Miniconda `_ scientific Python distributions:: conda install -c ioam holoviews bokeh This recommended installation includes the default `Matplotlib `_ plotting library backend, the more interactive `Bokeh `_ plotting library backend, and the `Jupyter/IPython Notebook `_. A similar set of packages can be installed using ``pip``, if that command is available on your system:: pip install "holoviews[recommended]" ``pip`` also supports other installation options, including a minimal install of only the packages necessary to generate and manipulate HoloViews objects without visualization:: pip install holoviews This minimal install includes only the two required libraries `Param `_ and `Numpy `_, neither of which has any required dependencies, which makes it very easy to integrate HoloViews into your workflow or as part of another project. Alternatively, you can ask ``pip`` to install a larger set of packages that provide additional functionality in HoloViews:: pip install "holoviews[extras]" This option installs all the required and recommended packages, including the `pandas `_ and `Seaborn `_ libraries. Lastly, to get *everything*, including `cyordereddict `_ to enable optional speed optimizations and `nose `_ for running unit tests, you can use:: pip install "holoviews[all]" Between releases, development snapshots are made available on conda and can be installed using:: conda install -c ioam/label/dev holoviews To get the very latest development version using ``pip``, you can use:: pip install git+ The alternative approach using git archive (e.g ``pip install``) is *not* recommended as you will have incomplete version strings. Anyone interested in following development can get the very latest version by cloning the git repository:: git clone To make this code available for import you then need to run:: python develop And you can then update holoviews at any time to the latest version by running:: git pull Once you've installed HoloViews, you can get started by launching Jupyter Notebook:: jupyter notebook To work with JupyterLab you will also need the PyViz JupyterLab extension:: conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab jupyter labextension install @pyviz/jupyterlab_pyviz Once you have installed JupyterLab and the extension launch it with:: jupyter-lab Now you can download the `tutorial notebooks`_. unzip them somewhere Jupyter Notebook can find them, and then open the Homepage.ipynb tutorial or any of the others in the Notebook. Enjoy exploring your data!